S 07 54.382
E 039 40.023
When choosing the road less travelled remember to read the fine print. The morning in Dar was hot. The hotel manager told me the correct instructions catch a Dalla Dallas to the town of Bungui. I hoped a small Korean made bus with about 30 seats plus the extra 4 seats that are welded on where possible. My bus pal was great and gave me all the instructions on where to get off and where to go. The map showed the island a short morning trip be in by 1pm at the latest. That was a slight oversight. The Dalla Dalla that took me the remainder was jammed with up to 26 people at the most. At one point they stopped to let on three women with little babies strapped to their backs . The two men hung out the side while the Bus bounced and banged down a gravel road. Some hills were so steep it looked like it was a roller coaster.
This little trip turned out to be a all day event. My pack was on my lap for 4 plus hours the sour smell of sweat filled the bus with the heat it was becoming a little unbearable. Closing my eyes clicking my heals anything to make the ride end. After hours and hours we came to our destination. A very small port , we all piled out as if it was a shriners show and walked with wobbly legs to the dock.
Ok the dock was 7 concrete steps down to the murky water. The boat about 60 feet long with a upper and lower deck. It was painted a bright blue and the age was undefined. It did look sea worthy. Being aware the trip could take 3 to 4 hours so braced myself for another adventure.
After an hour we departed. It was slow and steady then we reached the open ocean. The waves grew in size smashing against the boat. The trip was nice, and then it was exhausting. Wave after wave. I placed my head between knees my hands to balance myself the seats were wood benches and people were all over the deck sleeping. On the way back I will play the local card and find a place to lay my head. The boat arrived just before sun set. It was a 11 hour travel day. The boat was to large to come to shore so another smaller boat came to collect us and drop us off to the beach.
I sat to catch my breath . I caught a tuk tuk to whale shark bungalows to the west of the town. Was greeted by the owner Carlos. He quickly checked me in and showed me around. It is a lovely property only 6 bungalows and you could easily fit 4 to 5 more without crowding it
The restaurant is open and sits on a cliff overlooking the blue ocean. The sun had just set and the sky was pink. I did not take pictures on the boat trip. I was the only tourist on board and looked like they do not see to many Muzungu. So wiping out the big camera may not have been so cool.
Had a lovely dinner of prawns and rice retired to my room at 830 to read. Tomorrow is another day.
Diving is booked for the day after tomorrow. $70 for two dives. Hoping for whale sharks.
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Location:Mafia island, Tanzania