Friday, March 18, 2011

Land Rover 109 ambulance, and Philip.

Story's from one of the unique and wonderful people I had met on the trip.

Story of the Land Rover 109 Ambulance:
First something about me. My name is Philip Scherer, i am 23 years young and from Germany. In the moment im living in Himo/ Tanzania for one Year. I am a volunteer in a small Hospital in Himo. When I was arriving in Himo and was having a first look on the environment, I was seeing this Car. It was something like love on the first sight. The Car was a Land Rover Series 2a 109 modificated to an Ambulance. Unfortunately the Car was grounded, cause almost everything was gone, broken or something worse. Inside the Car was living two Chicken and at last two or three huge Spider (Vogelspinne) I was going to the Doctor and asked him about the Car and his planes with it. His words were exactly like this: “If you want it, take it. I don`t want it any longer as trash here” So the Car was mine. I and a very good friend of the Doctor named British were starting to wake up the old Lady. After two Weeks the Engine was running and after three Weeks the Car was on the Streets again. And now, every day and every time I have a little money, I repair something on the Car. Also I have sprayed it completely new. So it is looking like a brand new Car. And the big plan for this piece of English Engineering is to go with it to Germany, on the Road. This trip will take me almost 3 to 4 Months. A friend of mine, Cora is escorting me on this adventure. The journey will bring us to Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, (Jordanian, Syria, Turkey) Italy, Switzerland and Home, Germany. I hope the Car is still strong enough to go with me, but I belive in it ;-)
Greetings from the crazy Deutsch- Guy (Jay called me so)


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Location:Homo, Tanzania