Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Giving back and sharing something special. Can you help?

I am asking you all to help me collect  new or used Matchbox cars and little Dolls. I want to collect a bag of small things to hand out to the children once I get to Kenya. .  Size and space is a challenge so small is best. For  toys, the size of a matchbox car. I can pick them up or please drop them off for me @ Parkside Victoria  810 Humboldt st.

I depart for the trip feb 1st. I will share video and pictures.  Thank you all for your help.


  1. Awesome Jay. Didn't know about this trip. I'm officially your first "follower" on the blog. Looking forward to updates.


  2. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Nairobi was a highlight for me - it's an orphanage for elephants and rhino's. As well, a safari through the Masai Mara/ Serengeti is a must - staying at a tented camp is a great experience. Then again, whatever you do, I don't think you can really go wrong! Have fun.


  3. Good luck and have fun should be your main objective and I am sure you won't have a problem doing that. Sounds like a trip of a lifetime. The culture will be amazing, and the weather will be better than here no matter what.
    See ya sometime between an adventure.Carol McNichol

  4. Cars and dolls on there way dear one...look forward to enjoying the journey..peace

  5. Go ... Go find your Urban Sombrero Mr. Peterman!

  6. Hike the mountain!!!
