Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lamu smiles

This is the 2nd write. Technology is not a perfect tool to describe an experience. The day was amazing with discovery and adventure. Walking on your own through the streets only wide enough for a donkey. The color of the saris and the women in the hijab walking the streets the mix of Muslim and Christian is evident. Small quaint mosques are peppered in between the alleys and homes. Today is the one day off families get to to spend together. And go to church.

The markets were a buzz with shoppers debating price and picking the fruit. Walking through the winding streets you always think you will find a dead end but it connects to another ally then another like a labyrinth. On this journey unplanned fate I met Steven. He is a strong young man. Was surrounded by 4 children running and giggling only thing different from kids at home is the kids had bare feet and no,cell phone , iPods or hmmm actually they had nothing at all and were having the most wonderful time.

I greeted Steve with a Jambo and that was it. We spoke for a while and then I suggested I go get some sweets for the kids. They followed us like mice to the piper. One little boy in the red shorts was hopping like a rabbit. We then handed the sweets out to all the passing children. Instantly we had cheering fans all around us.

After we ran out Steve asking nothing of me walked around the town. Told me some highlights and some good view points.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

We then walked to Shella town. It is more european with perfect coral walls painted windows. Actually I really preferred stone town with it's congested stress and random donkeys wandering the alleys. We had lunch at a local place. The air was scorching hot. After we walked back using a short cut. Well we were inland the heat on our backs. It was the hottest since I arrived. We were to far from the ocean to get the breeze. I was smart enough to pick up a bottle of water. Walking through a small village on the sand dunes were men drinking alcohol empty bottles strewn about the sand. Like other religious groups not everyone abides to their spiritual rules.

This was the place you come to drink if you are a Muslim. As I write the mosque is making the call to prayer it drifts across the roof tops.

The plan is to have dinner with Steve tomorrow after a snorkeling trip around the islands. We will shop together and his wife will cook. Looking forward to it.

A donkey crash between a gravel truck and a taxi. Really. It was an ugly site ;)

Location:Lamu Kenya

1 comment:

  1. Funny, never heard of Lamu before you went there, now this article from the Globe and Mail came across our Twitter feed. Interesting read. Loving your posts by the way. What a great adventure!
