Monday, February 7, 2011

Little ms Judy and they say she is shy.

Left to right Judy, mike, Agnes, Minneih, Anne.

Effective way to get around

Claws from a man eater

Agnes doing the daily wash no fighting the dust it is inevitable.

The massi school where Elvis goes I handed out the toys to all the kids and then they all sang me a song. It was brilliant.


  1. I sure hope you video taped the kids singing... they all look so happy !!

  2. Going to love following your adventure. Safe travels. xo Nanna

  3. am soo enjoying reading about your travels...loving the posts and all the safe and take care of you...Jacque :)

  4. I have a video of the kids singing they are sloop sweet. Thank you all for following I hope to get better as I go. Christine hart had suggested I go to lamu so I will leave in two days. Any suggestions please pass it on. Cheers jay
